Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Auntie Duty

This morning I am pulling Auntie duty!  I went on a walk with my niece, nephew, and dog.  The walk was just enough to get my nephew to fall asleep.  My niece and I are now watching Beauty and the Beast in my craft room. She's snuggled right next to me, close to falling asleep.  She isn't too happy that she has to go back to school tomorrow. I told her she might see me though, since I'm subbing tomorrow.  My other nephew is at school, he is liking 3rd grade so far.  Which is awesome! He's been so relaxed so far. Good job, buddy!

I have my water all made up for the day: a mix of orange, lemon, lime, tangerine, grapefruit, and peppermint essential oils.  It is a great mix and a great support to my weight loss! I will be writing an entry all about it soon.  Again, if you are interested in Essential Oils, don't hesitate to email me and I will get you all set up!

I hear the squeaks of the baby waking up, so I'm off! Enjoy your day folks!

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